
Shipping & tracking

  • Orders placed before 12:00pm EST are typically shipped the same day. Anything after 12:00pm will be shipped next business day.
  • Parcels are shipped via UPS, Purolator, FedEx, Canpar, or Canada Post depending on the shipping address. Delivery times will vary.
  • Rural routes with no street address are shipped by Canada Post only.
  • Tracking information for your order will be emailed to you once your order has shipped.

Free shipping

  • We are proud to offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $150.


Express Shipping is available (1-2 business days for processing). You will be notified immediately if there is any delay. If we take longer than 2 business days to ship out your order, we will reimburse the Express Shipping fee.

  • Applies to the subtotal of purchased items before tax and shipping.
  • Free shipping is valid for all Canadian residents with orders over $150.00.  
  • Oversized shipments, and/or some rural routes may not apply.  In certain situations, we may not have your item in stock and will need to order it. This may add an additional 1-3 business days to our standard order processing time.
  • Most orders placed before 12:00 pm EST are typically shipped the same day. Anything after 12:00 pm will be shipped on the next business day.  
  • Parcels are shipped via UPS, Purolator, FedEx, Canpar, GLS or Canada Post depending on the shipping address. Delivery times will vary.
  • Rural routes with no street address are shipped by Canada Post only.
  • Tracking information for your order will be emailed to you once your order has shipped.
  • With our standard shipping services, you can expect to see your parcel within 2-9 business days (depending on where you are located). Please keep in mind, these shipping times are not guaranteed.
  • Applies to the subtotal of purchased items before tax and shipping.
  • Orders eligible for free shipping are shipped using the standard shipping method, i.e., the least expensive method. Customers may pay to upgrade to another method.
  • Does NOT apply to some remote/rural locations. For orders going to these addresses, HB Cycle subsidizes a portion of the shipping charges.
  • Does NOT apply to oversized or heavy items which incur extra shipping charges by couriers. For orders containing these items, HB Cycle subsidizes a portion of the shipping charges.